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Bella Della Casa Dell’Acquario (Upon della Cadormare x multichampion Cyrius de Bellamanie) Born 10-15-2010, +1-13-2015
Bella was the mother to our F Litter, she was a boxer with a great character, and for her pups a superb mother. Sadly Bella died in January 2015 because she had a very aggressive sickness, a battle she just could not survive. She will always be in our hearts and will live on in our house through her children Faith and Forte, and off course also through the other beautiful puppy’s from her litter.
Health Bella: HD A Hart 0 IPO V
Floortje september 2008 julu 2017
Upon Della Cadormare Hart 0 HD C date of birth september 31 2008
We bought Floortje (Upon) in 2009 at Cadormare boxers in Italy in the village Codogne near Venice.
We had high hopes for her in our breeding plans, she proofed us right in her descendants. She has an impressive pedigree with great champions in it, beside that she has a very great character. We breaded 3 litters with her, all top-quality puppy’s, she is now retired and of course is this granny still living in our home, together with her grandchildren Forte and Faith.
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Pedigree Floortje floortjestamboom